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Yamaha MT-10 Yamaha YZF-R1 (2015-2022)
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The CRASH PAD KIT are developed to ensure side protection to the motorbike structure and protect it from the falls
The crash pad kit are unable to protect structural integrity of motorbike if motorbike falls at high speed but surely they offer a protection for sure.
The head of crash pad kit are special plastic components specially studied to ensure sliding friction
Crash pad kit is designed to be less bulky and invasive as possible but with the minimum size to guarantee the best protection possible.
For any further information or technical requirements, please send a mail to
Die Barracuda Sturzpads sind speziel für die Yamaha MT10 gefertigt und können ohne zusätzliche modifikation am Motorrad befestigt werden. Zum Lieferumfang gehört das komplette Befestigungsmaterial. Zur optischen Aufwertung gibt es Einsätze in den Farben silber, schwarz und Gold, welche auf die standard Kunststoffpads montiert werden können. Als Alternative bieten wir noch Ersatztpads aus PVC in schwarz oder wahlweise Alluminium in verschiedenen Farben an. Diese ersetzten dann die Standard Kunststoffpads.
The CRASH PAD KIT are developed to ensure side protection to the motorbike structure and protect it from the falls
The crash pad kit are unable to protect structural integrity of motorbike if motorbike falls at high speed but surely they offer a protection for sure.
The head of crash pad kit are special plastic components specially studied to ensure sliding friction
Crash pad kit is designed to be less bulky and invasive as possible but with the minimum size to guarantee the best protection possible.
For any further information or technical requirements, please send a mail to
THE SHIPMENT COST in Italy are fixed at euro 10,00. Only for orders over euro 150,00 the shipment is FREE.
The SHIPMENT OF ORDER is immediate for the available shipment (highlighted with green availability) and if the order is made by 16:00 (GMT+1).
The DELIVERY is schedule in 24/48h. After the order confirmation, you will be informed about the data and rough hour of delivery by a sms sent by the transporter to the cell phone put into the log-in. In case of holidays and/or strikes, shipment may be delayed.
The RIGHT OF RETURN is valid for 15 days from the delivery date, the product has to be none signs or damages to the materials or to the blister. We advice to send back the products with care. All the return back materials must be agreed with our technician office (
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